Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Two angels - deux anges

While our mummies were out at the restaurant, Raphy, his brother, his dad and I had a big play together. As I didn't want to fall asleep by myself, Raphy was kind enough to share his bed with me.

Pendant que nos mamans etaient au restaurant, Raphy, son frere et son papa avons bien joue ensemble. Comme je ne voulais pas m'endormir tout seul, Raphy a gentillement partage, avec moi, son lit.
Arent we georgous little boys when we sleep? our answer for our mummies: we are indeed your little angels.

Ns sommes d'adorables petits garcons lorsque ns dormons, n est-ce pas? Notre reponse pour nos mamans: nous sommes vos veritables petits anges.

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